Data Classification & Protection

Data classification and protection services are designed to protect an organization’s sensitive data and ensure that it is properly classified, labeled, and secured based on its level of sensitivity. These services can include identifying and classifying sensitive data, implementing access controls and encryption, developing data protection policies and procedures, and providing employee training on data handling best practices.

The first step in data classification and protection is identifying and classifying sensitive data, such as personally identifiable information (PII), financial informationintellectual property, or trade secrets. Once the data is classified, access controls and encryption can be implemented to ensure that only authorized personnel can access the data. Data protection policies and procedures are developed to ensure that sensitive data is handled, transmitted, and stored securely. Employee training is also essential to ensure that all staff members understand their roles and responsibilities in protecting sensitive data.

The objective of data classification and protection services is to protect an organization’s sensitive data from unauthorized access, use, disclosure, modification, or destruction. The primary goal is to ensure that sensitive data is classified and labeled correctly, and appropriate controls are implemented to protect it throughout its lifecycle. Data classification and protection services also aim to help organizations meet regulatory compliance requirements and avoid data breaches that can result in reputational damagefinancial loss, and legal liabilities.


Our approach to data classification and protection services is tailored to the specific needs of each client.  We begin by conducting an assessment of the organization’s data protection needs. Based on the assessment, we develop a comprehensive data protection strategy that includes recommendations on data classification, access controls, encryption, and policies and procedures. We work with the organization to implement the strategy, including updating policies and procedures, and implementing access controls.

Data Classification Framework Development
Data Assessment
Data Classification
Training and Communication